Builds games, gamified products, workshops and services based on emotions and creativity.
Immersed in the worlds of gaming, gamification, and behavioral design, I guide businesses in channeling passion, value, and emotion. With a rich background as a product designer and gamification expert, I craft captivating products. My expertise lies in playfully engaging potential customers and users by blending innovation with interaction.
Leveraging the power of emotions, science, and data to individualize user experiences, utilizing insights from the gaming industry, psychology, and design.
Using the knowledge of the gaming industry combined with a background in user experience, metaverse, and social media to inspire people.
Designing gamified products, innovative concepts for apps, content creation, or learning journeys, and more by combining behavior and strategic design..
Are you looking to embed your products with innovative and emotionally engaging gamification experiences, but find it challenging to merge business objectives with the playful essence of games? Do you aspire to instill motivation and loyalty within your brand and company?
I am ready, if you are:
Since 2009, I have devoted myself to crafting exceptional user experiences and digital products. Throughout my journey, I 've had the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed organizations such as Volkswagen, Accenture, and VFL Wolfsburg, among others.
Close partnerships with universities and leading experts provide me with access to cutting-edge insights in the fields of gamification, gaming, the metaverse, web3, and psychology. These collaborations enable me to deliver the most up-to-date and effective strategies for products and services.
Specialized in developing and facilitating unique workshops, immersive role-playing games, engaging escape games, gamified branding experiences, and personal development initiatives.
Imagine long nights in a library, the scent of old books filling the air, or the endless meetings in stark office rooms. What if these moments were as captivating as a game?
Consider how we might tackle challenges like environmental pollution with the fervor and strategy of game players, where the prize is not points, but the health of our planet.
If you would like to work with me on something like this, feel free to send me anemail.